Dienstag, 22. November 2011

Sad News

No, this is not another thrilling, sexy, informative and amusing interview.
Sadly, this is our last blog-entry... for a while…

We have to assign our interview blog for various reasons.

But fortunately there are a lot of other ways to get information about the bands.

We wanna thank all the bands, labels and dudes worldwide who answered our questions!

Thank you!

Support your local hardcore and metal scene and all overseas bands, buy their merch and music, hang around at shows and have fun!

B. + D.

Dienstag, 23. August 2011

LOOK MY WAY Interview

Through my veins, through our veins, through these veins – LOOK MY WAY (GER).

Vorerst 1.000 Dank an Frontmann Chris für die Antworten, die er uns hier gleich liefern wird!
Chris, bevor wir in die Tiefe gehen; wer kam auf den Bandnamen und woher stammt die Idee? Durch MADBALLs gleichnamigen Album? Oder doch durch den ebenfalls gleichlautenden Albumtitel von Rosemary Clooney? Oder was ganz anderes?

Rosemary wat?? Es gab mehrere Ideen für Bandnamen, jedoch gabs auch bei unseren noch so exotischsten Ideen bereits in jedem scheiss Land auf der Welt Bands die so hießen. LOOK MY WAY gabs noch nicht und ich kann mir keinen besseren Namen für ne Hardcore Band vorstellen… MADBALL, sowie das Album,sind für mich der absolute Inbegriff für Hardcore ohne Scheisse drumherum. Gibt keinen besseren Namen der unser Verständnis von Hardcore widerspiegelt. Look my way don`t hide your face in shame! Aufrichtigkeit, Ehrlichkeit, Echtheit! Weißte Bescheid!

OK, danke. Nun, stell doch bitte mal LOOK MY WAY etwas vor.

LMW ist Kevin aka Pitbull am Schlagzeug, Micha und Tommy an der Gitarre, Rene am Bass und ich singe. Uns gibts seit September 2010. Bis auf Rene waren wir alle vorher in anderen Bands. Wir haben bisher ein Demotape veröffenlicht sowie einige Shows gespielt. Momentan läuft noch das pre-order für unsere E.P. "5 2 0" die im September auf SAVE MY SOUL Records erscheinen wird. Danach wollen wir wieder verstärkt Shows spielen. Mal sehen was noch so alles kommt! Wir haben auf jeden Fall alle Bock den shit so weit es geht zu pushen!

Beschreib eure Musik in einem Satz.

Wütender, angepisster metallischer von Bands der amerikanischen Ostküste (und Cleveland natürlich) beeinflusster Hardcore!

Und nun mit nur einem Wort ;-)


Jedes Bandmitglied brachte eigene Musik-Erfahrungen mit in die Band. Ist doch ein riesengroßer Vorteil, oder?

Bis auf Rene, der absolut kein Plan von irgendwas hat, klar! (Achtung, WITZ!). Auf jeden Fall erleichtert es vieles! Wir haben vorher Bands gehabt denen nichts großartig in den Schoss gefallen ist, von daher schrauben wir unsere Erwartungen was jetzt LOOK MY WAY betrifft immer automatisch etwas runter, was auf keinen Fall schadet. Wir machen unser Ding, wer Bock drauf hat: cool, wer nicht: uns wurscht! Ich bin in einem Alter wo ich es beim besten Willen nicht jedem im Sommer mit Beanie rumlaufenden 19jährigen "keeper of the faith" recht machen muss! Die Banderfahrung wirkt sich außerdem sehr auf die Arbeitsdisziplin innerhalb der Band aus, sowas begrüße ich sehr!

LOOK MY WAY gibt es also seit mittlerweile knapp einem Jahr. Seid ihr stolz auf das, was ihr bisher erreicht habt?

Stolz kann man nicht sagen. Natürlich ist es cool nach so einer kurzen Zeit schon mit soviel fetten Bands wie z.B. SNEAK ATTACK gespielt zu haben, aber das is ja nicht alles. Alles was passiert, geniessen wir natürlich und fänden es gut wenn man das noch ausbauen könnte. Mal sehen wie die neue Platte ankommt.. Im Hardcore kann es aber auch vom einen Tag auf den anderen wieder vorbei sein mit dem Hype oder sonst was. Wat passiert, passiert. Wir haben auf jeden Fall Spass und das soll so bleiben.

Im Winter 2010 wurde eure Demo sowohl als CD, als auch als Tape über SAVE MY SOUL Records released. Demo (100 Exemplare) + Tape (75 Exemplare??) waren schon innerhalb kurzer Zeit ausverkauft. Daraufhin gab es eine zweite limitierte Auflage der Demo (50 Stück) mit anderem Cover, welche ebenfalls wegging, wie die bekannten warmen Semmeln. Für die Pechvögel, welche kein Exemplar abbekommen haben, habt ihr die Tracks aber als kostenlosen Download zur Verfügung gestellt (http://www.mediafire.com/?u918e6ip2xjyhem). Wie ist das Feedback zur Demo ausgefallen und seid ihr mit dem Werk zufrieden?

Absolut! Daniel Dudek hat einen guten Job gemacht! Für ne Demoaufnahme ist das schon in Ordnung! Das Feedback war an sich durchgehend positiv. Oder vielleicht haben sich einige Leute nicht getraut das Ding Scheisse zu finden? Kein Plan. Einer meinte er käme auf den Gesang nicht klar, was ich absolut nachvollziehen kann.

Die Qualität hebt sich von vielen anderen Demos ab. Wie verlief die Produktion?

Chillig und lustig. Ging relativ zügig! Daniel hat nicht großartig dazwischen gelabert und uns machen lassen.. Es wurde immens viel gefressen an dem Wochenende soweit ich mich erinnern kann, also echt mehr als sonst, das heißt schon was!

Nun genug zur Demo, denn seit einigen Tagen ist euere neuestes Release, die „5.2.0 EP“ im Vorverkauf (Release September 2011) erhältlich. Diese 7“ gibt es in zwei Versionen, oder?

Es gibt ein auf 50 Stück limitiertes Special-Cover für die Leute, die das Pre-order Package bestellt haben, ansonsten gibts die 7" im regulären Cover mit dem Artwork von JuicyJoel (CLENCHED FIST). Alle haben einen Download Code dabei.

Wofür steht „5.2.0“?

"5 2 0" sind die ersten Ziffern der Postleitzahl Aachens, unserer Heimatstadt (bis auf Kevin, der kommt aus Düren). Der Titel repräsentiert aber nicht nur unsere lokale Szene (?), sondern steht stellvertretend für alle Städte, Landstriche etc. wo Leute was auf die Beine stellen, etwas aufbauen, jenseits der großen Veranstaltungen. Klartext: geht mal lieber ins lokale JuZe und checkt neue junge Bands fürn 5er anstatt um zum 100. Mal Amiband XYZ für 20 Euro anzugucken!

Der Verkauf läuft wieder über SAVE MY SOUL Records. Kein Wunder, denn du bist ein Teil dieses Labels. (Aber das wissen sicherlich schon die meisten, denn immerhin haben wir im Februar 2011 ein Interview mit SAVE MY SOUL geführt ;-) Was gibt es denn sonst noch für Neuigkeiten aus dem Hause SMS?

Wir releasen zeitgleich mit der LMW E.P. die neue 7" von WORLD EATER aus dem Saarland. Für mich eine der besten europäischen Bands momentan! Die Jungs gehen mit TWITCHING TONGUES auf Tour, also checkt die auf jeden Fall aus! Wir warten jetzt erstmal ab, wie die beiden Releases laufen. Das ganze läuft ja total D.I.Y. ab und wir können kein Geld scheissen. Ha Ha! Es sind ein paar Sachen lose in Planung, aber dazu möchte ich noch nichts zu sagen, außer dass die neue THE ICE E.P. hoffentlich noch dieses Jahr veröffentlicht wird! Ach ja, am 22.10.2011 gibts in Essen das SMS RECORDS showcase mit allen Euro-SMS-Bands und noch einigen anderen Bands!! Auf jeden Fall antanzen!

Coole Sache! Haben LOOK MY WAY auch schon einmal über eine Split mit einer anderen Hardcore-Band nachgedacht?

Ursprünglich wollten wir eine Split E.P. mit BULLDOG COURAGE releasen, aber die Band hat sich vor kurzem leider aufgelöst! Wir sind offen gegenüber jeder Art von Release also: Fragt mal an!

Neben musikalischen Outputs, brachtet ihr auch Merch an den Mann. Neben Shirts gab es auch Gymbags. Woher kam diese Idee?

Wir wollten zusätzlich zu den Shirts noch irgendwas "witziges" machen. Da kam uns die Idee mit den Gymbags (oder besser gesagt Fabian). Die Dinger gingen auch ganz gut, aber war ne einmalige Sache.

Kann man in Zukunft auch noch mit anderen „ausgefallenen“ Merch-Artikeln rechnen?

Eher nicht.

Den Merch kann man nicht nur online erwerben, sondern auch auf euren Shows. Wo stehen LOOK MY WAY demnächst auf der Bühne?

01.10. in Siegen, 02.10. in Aachen, 22.10. in Essen, 28.10 irgendwo im Harz (weiß noch nicht w). Es ist viel in Planung, daher Facebook-Seite regelmäßig checken!

Und was war für euch die bisher coolste Show?

Unsere erste Show in Aachen zusammen mit NASTY, LIFLESS etc. fand ich persönlich spitze, weil es halt Zuhause war. Das Wochenende mit DEATH THREAT war auch ok.

Wir hatten mal gelesen, dass alle LOOK MY WAY-Member (bis auf einer) Straight Edge sind. Was bedeutet diese Lebenseinstellung für dich?

Nicht trinken, nicht rauchen, keine Drogen! Ich bin seit ich denken kann straight edge, daher hat es für mich keinen wirklichen "revolutionären" Charakter mehr! Ich glaub die anderen in der Band sehen das für sich anders, aber das ist halt mein Ding.

Wie schaut`s mit Vegetariern und / oder Veganern aus?

Wir haben zwei Vegetarier (einer davon is momanten sogar vegan, mal sehen wie lange haha). Prinzipiell natürlich ne gute Sache, aber für mich nichts! Ich lebe nach dem Prinzip der schwarzen Tonne, da kann ALLES rein!

Aber ihr habt doch sicherlich nichts dagegen, wenn Leute die (Alkohol-)Gläser auf euch anstoßen, oder? Haha!

Natürlich nicht! HELM AUF! SAUFEN!! Und gebt Micha einen aus! Der muss auf den Shows immer für uns mitsaufen, haha!

So, wir neigen uns dem Ende - einige letzte Worte an unsere Leser?

Danke für das Interesse und das Interview! Checkt die "5 2 0" e.p. und supported DIY labels!

Chris, herzlichen Dank für die Zeit, alles Gute weiterhin für LOOK MY WAY und bis demnächst!!

Doch wie jedes Interview, wird auch dieses mit Brainstorming abgeschlossen:

Cheap Thrills?
Keine reunion! Checkt NASTY, THE ICE, BLOODTRIAL, LMW!

Sommer 2011?
Ein Dilemma!

So machen wirs! Komplette Kontrolle über alles! Nur so kann ich nachts ruhig schlafen haha

Tape oder Vinyl?
Kommen wieder!

Rico ist ein Heiliger!

Für weitere Infos zu LOOK MY WAY checkt:


Sonntag, 5. Juni 2011


Pennsylvania is currently famous for its hard as fuck hc / beatdown bands – here is another one: TEN OF SWORDS (PA, USA).

First off we would like to thank Derek from TEN OF SWORDS for taking the time out to do this interview with us! So please introduce yourself and the band for the people who don`t know you yet.

Derek Kovacs- Guitar
Mike McGuire - Vocals
Christian BeBe - Drums
Marc Sproat - Bass

Please tell us something about your band name „TEN OF SOWRDS“. Is there a bigger meaning in relation to something special?

The Ten of Swords is actually a tarot card. It represents absolute destruction, being pinned down by a multitude of things or situations. The person lying on the ground, defeated and bleeding, may also represent a feeling of hopelessness and being trapped by emotions or mental anguish, since swords represent strife and the mind. We thought that this was a good representation of our attitudes toward daily frustrations with life in general.

TEN OF SWORDS was a side project first. Members of bands like ENEMYMIND, NO RETREAT, SANCTIFY HER DEATH and BUILT UPON FRUSTRATION allied and TEN OF SWORDS was born. What about the other bands right now? Perhaps a NO RETREAT re-union? ;-)

All of the bands you mentioned are done. A NO RETREAT reunion is unlikely.

What were your intentions, in starting a side project? What was your goal?

Mike from ENEMYMIND and I had always talked about doing a project. We were both in the same place at the same time with our bands. We both felt that we were doing everything and no-one else gave a shit and was just along for the ride. So to make a long story short we both just said fuck it, we're done with this and started TEN OF SWORDS. Our goal was to right some brutal stuff and incite some mosh but I think we came up with something better than we both planned.

TEN OF SWORDS is described as "speaking volumes to anyone into violent music". What do you think? Is this description 100% to the point?

Based on the reaction we've been getting at shows I think that is an accurate description. I've seen some of the most violent mosh I have ever witnessed at some TEN OF SWORDS shows.

Where do you see TEN OF SWORDS? Still in the underground or more in a common light?

Mike (vocals) and I are both in our 30's now. If we kept playing this long I don't know why we would stop anytime soon. It's safe to say that we will be around for awhile. Just because of the type of music we play and are interested in, I can never see TEN OF SWORDS in the mainstream. Our dedication lies here in the underground.

TEN OF SWORDS are signed to FFTC Rec. (Fight For The Cause Records). How came it to the collaboration?

It was easy working with FFTC Records because I own it. I started the label about 2 years ago. I've been in the game so long that through my experiences I've learned how to record, press CDs, do the design, promotion and just about everything else there is to do with the music business. I figured why not just do it myself? I am currently looking to expand my roster so I'd appreciate you guys over there spreading the word. I recently just signed a band from the American Midwest (NW Indiana/ Chicago area) called SILVERHAMMER. They are kind of a cross between INTEGRITY and CROWBAR and are getting some good hype already. Check them out at www.fftcrecords.com
I'm also talking to a few other artists but there is nothing in stone yet.

So TEN OF SWORDS exists since February of 2010, right? Till this day you released a 3 song demo and a 6 track EP called „Wages Of Sin”. This stuff was available as free download for the longest, but in the end of 2010 you pressed it on CD and your first physical release was born. This CD (Wages Of Sin) contains a mix of your previous releases. How is the feedback so far?

We have had nothing but complements. Even though we let the material leak out for free, we were finding out that everyone still wanted a physical copy of the CD so we decided to press it.

And actually the first pressing of ”Wages of Sin" is sold out, right? Or is there any chance to get a copy anywhere?

Yes, the first pressing went really fast. It sold out after only 3 shows. I just actually re-pressed it so it is available again at www.fftcrecords.com

Apart from the Unites States, in which country did you sell most of your CD`s and merch?

Hands down Japan. They have bought a ton of CDs and shirts from the beginning. There are some really excellent distros over there.

And what are your plans for the near future? Perhaps a new CD or a split CD?

We have a few new songs that we are getting ready to insert into the live set. I'm not sure that we are patient enough to wait for a full length to be released so we have been talking about a split lately. With who? We still do not know.

If you could have anyone do guest vocals on one of your next tracks, who would it be and why?

Tim Williams from VOD...just straight screaming though. I'm a big fan of having guest vocals that don't sound like the ones you have. Mike has a lower, almost death-metal like bark so having a screamer like that would set shit off in the right part. Plus I've always thought the guy's voice is sick. Some of that older VOD stuff is still my favorite shit out there.

Further TEN OF SWORDS are going to be a part of the “Iron Atrocity Vol. 1”-Sampler. This sampler will be made up of a lot of Pittsburgh metal and hardcore bands. Could you name some bands which will be featured?

I actually can't because they didn't tell us yet.

And what other bands, which won`t be on this compilation, should we check out?

You guys know most of the good bands from PA already. Ones you may not have heard of outside of the PA scene to check out are SILVERHAMMER, NO ZODIAC and NO HOLDS BARRED.

What about the hc scene in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania? Is there a good one or could it be better?

It has its ups and downs just like any other scene. Its been good for us since we started. Scenes can always be better and we keep doing what we can to bring new kids into it.

And what about the german hardcore scene? Does our scene has a good reputation in the US?

Don't know if you are aware, but Germany is known here as the 2nd biggest market in the world for music in general. Your hardcore scene is no exception. I've always had the impression that the German hardcore kids are some of the most loyal in the world.

You played the „Summer Of Hate 2010“ show. This was your first show, right? Please tell us something about this festival. How was the atmosphere, were there cool happenings and stuff like this?

Summer of Hate is becoming a really big yearly event. It was our first show. The vibe was cool and everyone got along for the most part. We were the first band to play on the main stage. We got a really good response from the crowd. It couldn't have been a better scenario for a first show.

What`s with “Summer Of Hate 2011”? Are you gonna play this show, too?

Yes, we thank those guys a ton for adding us to the bill again. This year is the "Mosh Olympics". They will be giving out gold, silver and bronze medals for different categories of mosh so as you can imagine, it will get interesting. Check the bill... BULLDOZE, COLD AS LIFE re-union... its one of the best shows of the year.

And a few weeks / months ago you played at the END OF HUMANITY re-union show. We`re glad of this. Hope they gonna play Germany one time. Or twice. Or thrice. What do you think about this re-union?

The last I heard, right after the show those guys were going through a few line-up changes so hopefully they can keep it together.

Ever thought to produce an official music video of one of your tracks?

Actually we will be starting to work on a video in the next month for "Ignorant Bliss". This will be the first experience any of us will have shooting a professional video so who knows how long it will take, but we are excited to do it...

Do you guys know some german HC-bands?

I've been checking out CIRCLE OF DEATH recently. I'm always looking for new things to listen to. If anyone in Germany has some suggestions about a band over there that we may have not heard, please go to the FFTC Records website and tell us about them.

And last but not least: BRAINSTORMING:

False friends?
Too Many.

Best hip hop artist?
Too hard to answer

Best hc release ever?
Way to hard to answer

...are brutal.

Casting shows?
Vaporize your life.

Thanks for the interview and the interest!

For more info check and support:

Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011


Bestimme eine Kreaturenkarte aus deiner Hand und bringe diese Kreatur ins Spiel. Für diese Kreatur gilt die Einsatzverzögerung nicht. Opfere am Ende des Zuges diese Kreatur. SNEAK ATTACK (GER).

Wir sind hier auf der BBQ-Show im JZE, Papestr. (Essen, Germany) mit u.a. NO REDEEMING SOCIAL VALUE, LIFELESS, BRICKTOP. Wir trafen Markus, den Frontmann der Band SNEAK ATTACK, der sich sofort bereit erklärte, für ein Interview Frage und Antwort zu stehen. So gesellten wir uns mit einem Bierchen zusammen.

Markus, wie geht`s dir? Noch nüchtern?

Negativ! Aber mir geht’s fabelhaft, danke der Nachfrage.

Wieso haben wir wohl diesen Einleitungstext genommen bzw. was hat dieser Text mit eurem Bandnamen zu tun?

Tja… ähm… aus meiner Nerd-Jugend (lacht). Ich hab eine Ewigkeit Magic – The Gathering gespielt. Auf der Suche nach einem Namen hab ich halt mal das komplette Deck durchgestöbert und siehe da „SNEAK ATTACK“ waren geboren (alle lachen). So machen wir das übrigens auch bei Song-Namen. Ha! Ha!

Nachdem wir die Frage der Namensgebung geklärt haben, bitten wir dich, SNEAK ATTACK mal in ein, zwei Sätzen vorzustellen.

Also wir sind eine Band aus Aachen bzw. mittlerweile aus NRW. Ich betrinke mich gern, der Rest bleibt nüchtern (da Straight Edge).

Was macht ihr (beruflich) neben SNEAK ATTACK?

Ein Schüler (Ausbildung), zwei Fachinformatiker und ein Autoverkäufer. Ziemlich normalen Kram also.

Letztes Jahr veröffentlichten SNEAK ATTACK ihre erste Demo. Auf „Changing Faces“ erwarten den Hörer fünf oldschool-lastige Tough Guy-Hardcore Tracks. Die Demo wurde im Jewel-Case inklusive Front- und Backcover und 4-seitigem Booklet released. Woher kam die Idee einer solch „edlen“ Demo?

Auf Grund personeller Engpässe bzw. Missstände wurde die Demo mit nur zwei Mann aufgenommen. Und das war ziemlich schwierig, wie man sich vorstellen kann. Auch kann man nicht „mal eben“ neue Bandmitglieder aus dem Hut zaubern. Da dachten wir uns, bevor wir mit dem sinkenden Schiff untergehen, hauen wir noch `ne Demo raus – da haben wir dann wenigstens etwas von! Aber mittlerweile ist SNEAK ATTACK wieder komplett und es geht weiter bergauf!

Diejenigen, die vergessen haben, sich dieses Teil für 3,00 EUR zuzulegen, sollten aber nicht traurig sein. Nach dem Ausverkauf der CD stellten SNEAK ATTACK die Demo zum kostenlosen Download zur Verfügung. War die Nachfrage so hoch, oder warum die Entscheidung des free Downloads?

Die Demo erschien in einer relativ geringen Auflage. 100 Exemplare waren schnell weg. Und da alle unsere Musik haben / hören sollten, entschieden wir uns für den free download.

Ist der Link noch aktiv? Wenn ja, nenne ihn uns bitte, damit SNEAK ATTACK weitere Hörerschaft gewinnen kann.


Bevor nun jeder, der euch noch nicht kennt, die Demo lädt, verrate uns doch bitte, welchen Sound man sich unter SNEAK ATTACK vorstellen kann. Welche Bands haben euch maßgeblich beeinflusst?

Puh… so ziemlich Querbeet. Sagen wir mal so: Jeder hat bei uns in der Band seine eigenen musikalischen Vorlieben und lässt diese so gut es geht einfließen. Was da am Ende bei rauskam hört man an unseren Tracks.

Und was inspiriert euch beim Song-writing?

Eigentlich alles Mögliche. Es soll ja nicht jeder Song gleich klingen. Wir wollen alles einmal ausprobieren. Diverse Stilelemente halt. Mal mehr Metal, mal mehr Hardcore. Hauptsache es herrscht `ne Stimmigkeit und der rote Faden geht nie aus den Augen verloren!

Wer von euch schreibt denn die meisten Texte?

Anfangs, also die Demo-Songs, nur ich, mittlerweile unser Schlagzeuger und ich. 50:50 würde ich mal tippen.

Und was kann man in Zukunft von SNEAK ATTACK erwarten? Ist ein weiteres Release für 2011 geplant?

Wir haben gerade zwei Demo-Songs für lau rausgehauen und werden in den kommenden Wochen noch einen folgen lassen. Bei der kommenden Show am 11.06.11 mit u. a. THE PLATOON, EMBRACED BY HATRED und THE ICE in Köln werden wir dann wohl die Songs auch nochmal auf CD in DIY-Manier an die Leute bringen. Irgendwann im Herbst sollte dann aber auch das nächste richtige Release erscheinen.

Sucht ihr noch ein Label oder habt ihr schon etwas in Aussicht?

Es gab heitere Gespräche mit Roy von SWHC (Southwest Hardcore), bei dem wir vielleicht im Herbst ein Tape rausbringen werden; allerdings ist das alles noch Zukunftsmusik. Gilt also abzuwarten, wie wir mit dem Song-Writing und den Aufnahmen vorrankommen.

Viele Bands lassen auf ihren Tracks mittlerweile das eine oder andere Feature zu. Habt ihr darüber auch schon einmal nachgedacht?

Wir hatten eigentlich für die Demo schon ein Feature mit Chris KILL THIS DREAM geplant, was aber leider aus zeitlichen Gründen nicht mehr machbar war. Vielleicht für das nächste Release. Grundsätzlich sind gute Features aber immer eine coole Sache.

Ihr habt ja schon einige Shows gespielt. Welche war bisher eure beste, deiner Meinung nach?

Stark erwähnenswert wären da die Shows in Hamburg und in Siegen. Letzteres war der Birthday Bash von Andy EBH und Moe BBD letztes Jahr!! Nur coole Leute, Party Hard! Supergeil! Alle, einfach jeder war besoffen! Außer halt meine Bandmember (lacht). Hamburg war auch ein cooler Roadtrip und für so eine spontane Sache eine klasse Show! Vielen Dank an die DSA dafür!

Und wo werden den SNEAK ATTACK in naher Zukunft live zu sehen sein?

Wie eben schon gesagt spielen wir die Show am 11.06.2011 in Köln. Dann bald `ne BBQ-Show bei Kassel mit ABLAZE, GONE TO WASTE und LOOK MY WAY, wenn mich nicht alles täuscht.

Neben eben erwähnten LOOK MY WAY kommen sicherlich noch andere Bands aus eurer Umgebung. Könnt ihr uns welche empfehlen?

Tja, leider haben sich die Meisten aufgelöst. Wie z. B. CHEAP THRILLS oder KILL THIS DREAM. Bei uns in der Gegend herrscht aber auch mehr der Metalcore, als reiner Hardcore…

Die heutige BBQ-Show ist ja nun leider die letzte in dieser einmaligen Location. Was verbindest du mit dem JZE hier?

Vorallem gute Shows, Hangout mit den coolsten Leuten und eine super Stimmung. Und Schnaps (lacht).

Was hälst du von der HHF, der Hardcore Help Foundation?

Die HHF ist `ne supercoole Sache! So etwas ist heutzutage keine Selbstverständlichkeit. Man bekommt günstig coolen Merch und tut dann auch noch was für einen guten Zweck! Win Win-Situation! Außerdem ist die Sache, dass Rico nicht nur labert, sondern wirklich was tut! Hut ab! Jeder, der Hardcore und das Umfeld liebt, sollte die HHF in irgendeiner Weise unterstützen!!

Noch einige letzte Worte an unsere Leser?

Tausend Dank für das Interview. Macht Bock, euren Blog zu lesen.
Leute, kommt auf Shows, checkt unsere Demo und die neuen Songs, supportet lokale Shows! Und auf jeden Fall ein dickes Danke an alle Leute, die uns bisher unterstützt haben!

So, Markus, da du ja sicherlich unseren Interview-Blog kennst und magst, weißt du, dass bevor du aufhören darfst, du erst einmal dein Gehirn für unser Brainstorming nutzen musst:

Top Sache!

Deutsche Bahn?
Behindert, aber leider notwendig.

Internet shit talk?
Bullshit walks, wie Rico mal so schön sagte.


Pflaume oder Pfirsich?

Tick, Trick oder Track?
Ich kann die gar nicht unterscheiden. Ha! Ha! Aber Ducktales sind cool!

1 guy 1 cup?
(alle lachen) ekelhaft ey!!

Dieser Blog?

Haltet euch hier auf dem Laufenden:
www.facebook.com/pages/Sneak-Attack/137455182952262 http://www.mediafire.com/?df9nnv7h6zcs07c

Sonntag, 8. Mai 2011


Whom do you think of, when you hear about festivals like “Break Down The Walls”, “Maximum Destruction”, “Bringing Back The Glory” and “Filled With Hate Fest”? Who made the best shows in Germany? BULLDOZE, MERAUDER, CRAWLSPACE, ALL OUT WAR, SHATTERED REALM, DEATH THREAT, BOXCUTTER and tons of other hardcore bands? No problem! RICO17STITCHES (GER) makes it possible!

We were on “Break Down The Walls Fest VII” with DEATH TRHEAT, GUILTY, STATE OF MIND, xDIGX & CO.) and met Rico, THE booker in Germany.

We took three beers, clinked the bottles and started with the interview.


(Everyone took a mouthful of beer)

Rico, how are you? Do you enjoy your fest?

I`m fine. Thanks! The atmosphere is fantastic! Cool weather, good people, cool bands! Every band is excited to play that fest. But unfortunately it`s the penultimate show at JZE. Papestr… That changes the good mood a bit.

And which band are you looking forward most today?

Most I`m looking forward to see DEATH THREAT!! But in fact, I`m looking forward to see all the bands because all these bands I booked are amazing.

We think that everybody who is into european hardcore should know you, but nevertheless please introduce yourself with a few words.

OK. I am Rico. I am a Dutchman and I´m living in Germany for almost 11 years. Two years ago I moved to the Sauerland region together with my girlfriend. My biggest hobbies are hardcore and booking shows. Therein I try to give my best!

Is there any background in your name – “17STITCHES”?

The reason for my pseudonym – 17 STITCHES – was a really bad accident. Youthful folly. One day in the late 90s I was drunk, really drunk. I was so fuckin`drunk that I fell into a glass door. The wound had to sew with 17 Stitches. That`s it.

Oh, that sucks.

Yeah, it does.

When did you start your “career” as a show booker? Do you remember the first show you ever made?

Since I´m a kid I visit shows. It is my life. It was 2003 - if I remember right – when I wanted to book my own shows. First I organized some underground punk shows, later hardcore. My first self made hardcore show fucked up.Haha. It was in Bochum (Germany), in a club, named “Wageni” and everything went wrong. At the beginning these shows were illegal, we had to tap the wire and stuff. ;-) Therefore the publicity was very, very awkward and the activities absolutely backdoor. But that`s the way when you start a new field of action. 100% DIY! Haha.

And what was your favourite show you made? What collaboration made your dreams come true?

To all intents and purposes I enjoy every show I make! Really! Break Down The Walls, Bringing Back The Glory. Cool. Filled With Hate / Brotherhood Fest. Cool. Smaller local shows. Cool. I just arrange shows, which I like even. I give my right arm for the shows. My heart, my soul, my money. But I enjoy it to the fullest!!

And which dreams aren`t coming true, yet?


Are there any bands you won`t work with in the future because of bad experiences?

TRAPPED UNDER ICE. That what happened to Marcel was pure shit! TUI have a wrong attitude. That was a silly thing…

Yeah, that´s right…

Booking bands, arranging shows and festivals – is this your main job or “just” a hobby?

It’s a hobby for sure! It`s not possible for me to do it professional. There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages, but I never ever had the intention to earn money with organizing shows. After all it`s a circular flow, u know?! If there is money left of a past show you have to put it in the next and it reiterates again, and again… You win some and you loose some.

What are the disadvantages in this business?

Negative feedback! Some people can not understand that the organisation of a show is stressful as fuck. It`s not just about writing with the bands for their payment. You have to look for a location, rent a location, taking care of food and drinks, employees for the sound, lights, acoustics, cash desk and a million other things.

Years ago you decided to break up your business. There was a longer period without any “Rico-Shows”. If we recollect right, there was a “Rico benefit” show made by some guys out from the ruhr area, too. Please tell us something about this break and what changed your mind to continue the business.

Well, at that time I lost a lot of money, many shows flopped. I work without any kind of sponsors what makes business more burdensome. On my flyers I don´t want to see any logo of a company, which don`t stand behind hardcore and its cultural environment. In any case the feeling of “making shows” is in me. It is my life so I HAD to carry on!!

And that was a good decision!

Please tell us the feeling, when someone misses you so much, that he makes a benefit show for someone.

It´s just incredible, more than words can say!!

Where do you see yourself in 10 years? Still in the midst of the hardcore scene or on a lonely island?

Im gonna do less shows for sure! But more and more with the HHF – the Hardcore Help Foundation!

OK, cool, let`s talk later about The HHF!


In March 2011 there was the “Bringing Back The Glory Fest”. Bands such as MADBALL, WISDOM IN CHAINS, CRAWLSPACE destroyed the stage. But unfortunately, a bad incident eclipsed this beautiful day. Do you want to comment the TRAPPED UNDER ICE show?

I wrote an offical statement to the band and published it in the internet, too.

Please tell us your hardcore plans for the future. Which project(s) exist besides “BBQ-Party 2011” (21.05.2011; with LIFELESS, NO REDEEMING SOCIAL VALUE) and “Filled With Hate Fest / Brotherhood Fest 2011” in the new JZE (06. + 07.08.2011 with SHATTERED REALM, CROMAGS, CROWD DETERRENT, STRIFE…)?

From time to time some HHF benefit shows!! But now it`s time to cut down…
My wonderful girlfriend supports me in any way indeed, but she wants to spend time with me, too! This time-consuming hobby isn`t good for my private life and health, so it`s time to back out (of it) a little bit!!

Catchword: JZE. Another issue alongside booking shows is the closure of the JZE in Essen, Germany, one of the best locations in the ruhr area. Now the JZE is going to move to another location this year. Previously you had a hard “fight” with the government. You invested much time and energy in several activities like E-Mail-actions, campaigns, benefit shows and stuff like this. Please tell us something about this big action. And what is the current status?

Well, the current status says: We tried our best. We made the impossible possible, but in the end it didn`t help. The City of Essen tries to save money to the poorer citizens costs. Sad, but true. Most of the kids in this youth center have not enough money, have a foreign background, have not any contact point for problems, no “place to go”. That`s simply not done. I`m sure, if these kids were rich and would have a conformable social status, the government of the city wouldn`t have close the JZE! For real!
And the answer to the problem with the new JZE isn`t the “non-plus-ultra”, but it`s quiet better than a complete close-down. The new location is awesome, but it`s not the same, u know?! This is something you can´t change at all. In no way.

In what way changed your opinion, related to the city council and their false promises?

Not at all. These people don`t give a fuck about the kids. They absolutely don´t care. It always had and always will.

How did you conceive the help of the scene? Was the german scene a big help for you or could there be a bit more?

The feedback of the scene was consistently positive. All that reposting in facebook or myspace, the whole online feedback was pretty enthusiastic. People helped out with stuff like the E-Mail-actions, but there were just a handful of people in the front of the city hall to demonstrate. This was a little bit disappointing to me. With such a crowd like this, politicians won`t take you serious.

What do you expect from the new JZE location?

For big shows and festivals it`s just awesome, but: It´s an official location. No place for DIY. No place for individuality, but that`s just the point! That´s hardcore! Cause of this I`m looking forward to find a new location…

Up-to-date you created the HHF – The Hardcore Help Foundation: “It's about Friendship, Loyality & helping each other out, when you're in a bad situation.“ You are collecting merchandise and donations for helping out people in the worldwide hardcore scene who need serious help. One of your current projects is about the tsunami/earthquake-disaster that happened in Japan. You collected more than 1.000,00 EUR and send all that money to your Japanese hardcore friends for their families and friends. Please tell us something about the HHF.

First: UNITY! Very strong unity! Exemplary! If everyone donates a little bit, we could make a great issue out of this!! We could reach something really big!! It´s fantastic what we established in this short period of time, by keeping together! The feedback is indescribably! The HHF will be a big deal!
Just today we`ve collect more than 900,00 EUR!
How you mentioned above, we want to help people out in the worldwide hardcore scene, when they are in serious trouble.
Until now, we`re stunned, because of the legwork! So many people got on board and donate merchandise, which we`ll sell for a good reason. So everybody who is in hardcore should feel addressed! It`s an easy way to say „Fuck The World“, but it´s hard to act real effective.

What do you think, is it right, that the whole german hardcore scene (especially the part of the ruhr area) stands together as a unity (to help JZE, HHF and stuff like this)?


In the internet you can find some rumors about a DVD which provides an insight into your shows and festivals. Please tell us about something this stuff.

Puh, I´ve got reams of footage. I could publish millions of DVDs, but I`m missing the adequate help, time and money. A further problem are the Gema fees. A friend of mine showed me the prices and fees… fuck, man!

Please describe the feeling, when you arrange a big show and you see the people going crazy, doing sing a longs, stage dives and so on.


So, Rico, what does hardcore means for you?

Unity, fun, going crazy, respect!

Any last words?

Help and support the scene, the HHF. And thank you guys for the interview!

Rico, cause you`re a regular reader of our blog, you know what comes right now… BRAINSTORMING!!!!!

Most important thing!

Batman or Superman?

All-time favourite band?
It´s hard… WARZONE!


Soccer: Germany vs. The Netherlands?
Emotional, but quite clearly the Netherlands! I´m happy for the next liaison!

MySpace or Facebook?
Facebook! MySpace is dead!

Barbie or Ken?
Barbie! From behind. Ha Ha!

Rico, thank you very much for this interesting interview. And further thank you VERY, VERY much for all the shows you made and will make. BIG UP TO YOU!!!

(We drank out our beer and enjoyed the show)

Support you scene, support the HHF and for more information check (amongst others):



Montag, 11. April 2011

.45 STAINLESS Interview

.45 STAINLESS (FIN). Simple, slow and really heavy Mosh. Beatdown. That`s it.

First off we would like to thank Danski (Drums) = D, Tuomas (Guitar) = T and Markus (Vocals) = M for taking the time doing this interview with us!

So please introduce yourself and the band. Can you give us a short summary how you guys met and how you started the band?

D: We´ve known each other for several years and in 2009 Markus, Heikki and our other original singer Niko wanted to do the hardest beatdown band ever. That´s when the others joined the band.

M: Yeah, so me, Heikki and Niko wanted to do heavy hardcore band and we asked all the other guys, if they were interested and things fit together pretty fast and thus was the first line up of .45 Stainless born.

Did anyone of you play in a band before .45 STAINLESS?

D: We all have bands and projects before .45 STAINLESS.

Who came up with the name “.45 STAINLESS”? And what does it stand for?

M: I had to check this from our other original singer, he came up with the name and if i remember right, it's a line from some Ice Cube song, Niko always had thought that it would be a great name for a hardcore band.

We know that lots of people going through the band and it took some time to find a stable, solid line-up. What do you think? Is the actual line-up the best one? And who is in it now?

D:This is the best line-up! Markus and Pirkka on vocals, Heikki and Tuomas on guitars, Topi on bass and Danski on drums.

M: We're now stronger and more determined than ever. After Niko left the band in quite early stage, Pirkka joined us and completed the band's core line-up, with him and me on vocals and all the players in place. After that we had a couple tries to do the band with 3 singers, but that didn't work very well. We were kind of trying out, how it would work out and sound, but i think it's better now with only two vocalists. I agree that this is the best lineup we've ever had.

What inspired you to play the music you play?

D: We´ve all been listening to hardcore and beatdown for several years and this kind of music has never been done before here in Finland.

T: We just wanna have fun.

M: Like Danski said, i think that this kind of beatdown hardcore hasn't really yet been made in Finland, i mean we got loads of HEAVY hardcore bands that take influences from beatdown as well, but .45 Stainless is strictly focusing into being as heavy as possible. I think this was very clear vision for us, when we started talking about doing this band and how we'd want it to sound.

And which bands are your main influences?



M: All the above and i could add couple; FURY OF FIVE, SPECIAL MOVE, ONE SECOND THOUGHT, TWO B YFOUR... all that good HEAVY and hard shit!

How often do you visit your rehearsal room in a week?

D: 1-3 times. It depends if we´re having a show coming or we're working with new songs, something like that.

Describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before in just one sentence.

D: Manly version of scorpions, only hits!

T: Exactly.

M: The humorists have had their say, haha.... but for real, something like this maybe; "Heavy, well made, metallic beatdown from the cold shores of Finland". One sentence, that's fucking hard to come up, with only one sentence.

How many shows did you play yet?

D: 5?

M: Yeah something like that, there exactly ain't really a huge market of this kind of music we do, here in Finland at the moment. We hope to play as much shows as possible.

Are there any plans for playing in other countries than Finland?

M: I certainly hope so, i'd like to go play anywhere! We've been talking about Sweden and probably Germany as well later this year. Maybe Toni BDHW might have something in his sleeves planned up... don't know yet?

What was the weirdest shit happened at a show?

D: Poetry reading between bands.

T: And some guys acted puppet-show.

M: If you want weird mosh stories or something like that, we don't have any, sorry. But what my boys here talk about, did happen. We played a show that featured; hardcore bands, poetry / singer-songwriter artists, (i think politically charged?) puppeteering acts and punk rock bands. That was the weirdest thing that has happened to us at shows, maybe also some naked people moshing?

And the best event thus far?

M: Lohja shows, we've played couple times there with help of our brothers in YOU CAN`T KEEP ME DOWN, they've hooked us two shows in their town, both being really good times.

Actually you guys are storming the studio for recording a full-length CD. Will there be a demo CD before or directly the album?

D: We are going to do directly a CD. It will be released by Beatdown Hardwear records 03.06.2011.

M: Yea, BDHW Records stepped up and took us under, it's really fucking great thing and we can't wait to get this cd out!

The name of the upcoming CD is “O.G.B.D.” What does these letters stand for?

D: OriGhetto BeatDown. OriGhetto is where we´re from!

M: Our rehearsal place is at OriGhetto and we play beatdown...

Is there a fix date for that release?

M: Like Danski mentioned the CD will be out 03.06.2011.

If you could have anyone do guest vocals on one of your next tracks, who would it be and why?

D: KICKBACKs singer?

M: Ismean a.k.a. Stickman of FURY OF FIVE, BOXCUTTER and DEEP ROOTED HATE (his new band, check it out!).

What are the main themes in your lyrics?

M: Loads of different stuff, i can lay couple examples from the record. We got one song strictly about moshing and having fun, it's called “Violence For Violence” and it's about getting all the frustration and agression out, swinging all you got in the pit with your best friends, having a good time at shows hanging out with people. Another song is called: “Endless”, it's a story of a soldier who went to "keep the peace" and kill people, just to come back home with his head so fucked up by nightmares and shit, that destroys his mental health. It's just a story but that kind of shit happen in real life a lot. Mostly our lyrics are influenced by hate for this world and all the shit it is filled with, i'm not the most negative guy, but i'm definitely not near the most positive either, so i won't be writing any "let's all be friends and hold hands" -shit. Life is hard and i think that we just want to try to cope and do our thing, have fun and meet new people like us while doing it.

We think that in Finland isn`t such a big hardcore scene like in Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, other European countries, the US and so on, isn`t it? What do you think?

D: Finland has a small but very intense and close HC scene.

M: Yeah we got pretty tight little group of people in our scene, but what i have to address is that we have so many real quality bands in almost every bigger city of this country, that has any hardcore kids in it. I don't mean to sound cocky or anything, but i think European and US -both, kids should check out Finnish scene and bands that come from here, there's so much good stuff. You might be surprised of what you might find!

Please tell us something about the scene in your area.

M: Our hometown Turku is pretty small place, we are quite a small group of people here who are doing bands and setting shows. So many people share bands here, but it's all good. There ain't shows that often it used to be, but i think that's about to change, we have a lack of venues at the moment.

In general, what do you think about the European hardcore scene?

M: From my impression the European hardcore scene is thriving and doing well, also growing all the time. I've seen shows in Sweden, Norway, England & Germany and it's obvious that things are in much bigger scale outside Finland, but it ain't a bad thing as long you have dedicated people who aren't just going to shows for a year or two and then dissappearing never to be seen again. In hardcore, integrity, dedication and commitment to the scene are the most important things if you ask me, i've been into hardcore and going to shows around 9 years and as example Daniel in our band, has been into this thing many year longer than me, i don't claim we're old timers or anything cause there's people who've already been into this for life! There's of course bit more segmentation in Europe, cause there's lots more kids, there's lots more people who get into just one distinct style of hardcore in example; beatdown or youth crew or metalcore etc. whatever. I don't see a problem in it if i'm listening to the CRO-MAGS, SHATTERED REALM, JUDGE andE-TOWN CONCRETE and love all those different styles in hardcore, but there is people who arent into everything and i understand that, i don't either like every band i hear! In the end, i think that kids should just stick on with what they love and support hardcore, if they are true to it for real.

And are there any finnish bands that we have to check out?




ST.HOOD played a lot of shows in Germany. What do you think about these guys?

D: Absolutely amazing and really good friends.

T: Actually Antti Malinen from ST. HOOD recorded O.G.B.D. and he did a great job. Album sounds really good for my opinion. Thanks to him for that!

M: One of my favourite finnish bands ever, really good guys.

Do you know any german hardcore bands?


M: There's some real good bands in the past and we also know many of current German bands such as; RYKER`S, NASTY (well they're half-German!), TRUE BLUE & WORLD COLLAPSE, EMBRACED BY HATRED, IN BLOOD WE TRUST, CHEAP THRILLS, SETTLE THE SCORE and so on.

In the whole world there are a lot of beatdown bands. What is the difference between .45 STAINLESS and the rest?

T: Nothing else than us.

M: That's true, this is just our version of the music we like. Maybe also the fact that we're from Finland makes it bit more interesting?

Being “Straight Edge” is a big deal in the scene. What do you think about this lifestyle?

D: Some of us are, some of us isnt. we think it´s everybodys own business how they ruin their life.

M: I'm the only straight edge guy in this band. I don't judge people, it seems that some of people who are sxe do that and i hate it. I think everyone makes their own choices, i'm not anyone to say what you should do, eat, drink or smoke. Pretty much all my closest friends smokes or drinks or both, so what? We make our own choices and that's that.

Some last words?

M: Thanks a lot for paying attention to us and making this interview! Check out Beatdown Hardwear and their other bands and listen two tracks off our album at http://www.stereokiller.com/45stainless

But before we gonna end this: Brainstorming!!

This interview?
D: Interesting.
T: Your questions were too difficult to me.

Your favourite movie?
D: First Blood
T: Kuutamosonaatti
M: Evil Dead

And TV series?
D: Band Of Brothers
T: Marienhof
M: The Wire

Coca Cola or Pepsi?

Violence at hardcore shows?
T: Depends who is target.

Porn in the world wide web?
D: Isn't that good that it has been.
T: Keeps me going.

T: Maybe.
M: Fuck the police!

For further info check:

Donnerstag, 17. März 2011


Ride with them or get ran the fuck over – WITHOUT REMORSE (NY, USA).

First, please tell us something about the band history of WITHOUT REMORSE. Who is in the band, how did you meet, who had the idea and so on.

We started jamming and writing music in January 2004 but Chris, Jon, Matt and original bassist Chris Fassino had a high school death metal band called FROM THE ASHES ever since 2000 but split up in 2002. All of the original members went to high school together in East Islip, NY. The current lineup is me,Chris McCarthy, Matt Martens, Shaun Kennedy and Seth Cuevas. Shaun and Seth are also in NY death slam legends REVENANCE. Jon still plays shows in the NY area with us but is unable to tour due to a full-time job as a butcher.

Has your naming something to do with the 1993 published thriller novel by Tom Clancy or is it pure coincidence?

It is a coincidence. Matt came up with the name and we thought it sounded cool. Although, my father did have that book on his bookshelf when i was growing up. But I never gave it a second thought when i was a kid.

So, WITHOUT REMORSE are demolishing the underground since 2004 with real brutal Deathslam / NYHC. Now it`s 2011. How do you see the current development as a band?

We have released 2 full length albums and toured the USA many times over so we are very pleased with what we have done from the ground up. We just wanna travel more and continue to write and perform crushing, intense music.

What bands have influenced your style?


What are your main themes in your lyrics? Do you handle personal experiences in the songs? Or is it “just 4 fun”?

Starting out, we just tried to write lyrics about violence and death and all that shit but now the topics are more real-life commenary and have a bit more meaning to them. Lyrics about life, family, money, government, cynicism, drugs, crime, religion etc.. We dont want to be limited to just the one constant theme of violence and death like every other metal band out there.

Describe your sound to someone who has never heard you before in just one sentence.

Imagine if the movie DIE HARD, was a metal band.

After releasing 2 demos in '05 and '06, you guys released 2007 your first full-length record Execution Style” on the label Last Resort Records (NY). Who arranged the contact to the label?

Last Resort records owner Sean F. Bell actually saw our old band FROM THE ASHES in 2002 and really liked us even when we were a shitty local garage band. When WR formed, Sean decided to put out "Execution Style" because the first 2 WR demos sold so well for a new band.

Are your demos still available?

Yes and No. Haha. We only really made CD-R copied demos, so we could always re-print them if there was a demand. But I dont even know who has the original mp3s, so I dont know who could make that happen now.

We think it was a successful cooperation with Last Resort Records, because in the end of 2010 your next album came over. It`s named “The Truth Hurts”. How is the current feedback?

The response to the new album has been great. Its really sad that nobody buys cds anymore in the US now in 2011. But we sell pretty good on iTunes for an underground band.

You recorded the CD @ Full Force Studios with producer Joe Cincotta (SUFFOCATION, WAKING THE CADAVER…). Did you like the cooperation and are you satisfied with the results?

Yes, Joe is one of the best producers weve ever met. Full Force makes great albums and we couldnt ask for a more relaxed, creative atmosphere.

How much time do you spend for WITHOUT REMORSE?

The band is my life. I think about it constantly. How to grow and progess with it. New riffs, new shirt designs, booking shows. Its my pride and joy and Ill do it until Im dead.

So WITHOUT REMORSE played a lot of shows and festivals. What moment on a show is particularly burned into memory?

There have been alot of sick shows over the years. Small bars to huge venues. We played a show in Virgina and a kid got stabbed while we were playing. That was pretty crazy.

WITHOUT REMORSE toured 2008 with WAKING THE CADAVER. What was the funniest moment on this tour? Please tell something about the tour. Your experiences, unforgettable moments and stuff like this.

We actually toured with them again in Summer 2010. As well as a REVENANCE tour with WTC in 2007 that Chris, Matt, Shaun and Seth were all on. So many great memories with them. Getting wasted and stoned in every state in the US. Too many crazy times to list.

We`ve read that WITHOUT REMORSE will be touring the U.S. again in 2011. Furthermore the band is working on possible European and Japan dates. Any news for us?

We arent on a major label and we dont have a booking agent, so its hard for us to tour. Europe is a dream of ours and we are trying our hardest to get over there at some point.

Do you have any upcoming shows that you would like to tell the readers about?

We have a few shows coming up on the east coast over the next few weeks...Long Island, Albany, Boston, Pittsburgh.

If you could arrange a festival of your dreams – which bands would play?

DYING FETUS - Destroy the Opposition lineup, SHATTERED REALM w/ Chris on vocals, SEPULTURA w/ Max, PANTERA and JOHNNY CASH

What kind of music is usually playing in the CD-player when the band is on tour or driving to a venue?


Do you know some European / German Death/HC-Bands?


Can you tell us something about New York, any good hardcore or metal bands? Good shows, record stores, other cool places?

The best bands in our area are MOTHERBRAIN (sick death/grind/punk feat members of REVENANCE and THE PARTISAN TURBINE), INCENDIARY, WOLVERINE, SOLDIERS... The best record store on Long Island is LOONEY TUNES in West Babylon, NY...

What do you think about the new MySpace-design? Do you think it is easier to handle now or are in you in agreement with us that the new MS sucks?

Myspace used to be very helpful. Its new design is complex and slow. It has hurt the music industry alot.

Tell us something about your MySpace-Page Top Friends. Who are they?

I honestly dont even know who is up there anymore.... MISERY INDEX, SUFFOCATION, WTC...check em all out.

WITHOUT REMORSE are friends of WAKING THE CADAVER. Did you listen to their new album “Beyond Cops, Beyond God”? What do you think?

That cd is great. They totally focused and wrote a slammin-ass death metal album thats totally legit. It kept all the haters quiet because its so tight.

Thanks a lot for your time. Any last words to your fans?

Stay high, stay underground, and buy "The Truth Hurts" so we can save up to get over to Europe!

Stopp!! We have almost forgotten…BRAINSTORMING!!

New Jersey or New York?

Your fav Beer?
Stella Artois

Boobs in the www?
Gianna Michaels

Trick or treat?

Gameboy or PS3?
WWF Wrestling for Gameboy



For further information please check:
or add them on FACEBOOK!

Freitag, 11. März 2011

xDIGx Interview

Negative StrHate Edge hardcore from Paris – xDIGx (FR).

Thanx a lot for the interview!

Please introduce yourself and the band xDIGx for the people who don`t know you. When did you start the band, who are the members and so on.

Hi! We started rehearsing around the end of 2009 if I remember right. We have had the same line up since the beginning, except the original guitarist who has gone to live in Essen, and has been replaced like a year ago, by Vincent. Axel we still love you bro, hope you'll come back to Paris some day!
So we were supposed to sound more like old nyhc stuff in the beginning, like OUZBURST, very old MADBALL and shit, but we found our way in the style we have had since our demo, which is a bit more metallic I guess. Can't hate SLAYER!

How long have you all known each other? How did you meet?

Man I think we are the best of friends, this is what this band is mainly based on (that, and
being angry dickheads). There are a few of us that I can't imagine being in a band with people they're not friends with, the shit would get out of control so quick... It already happened in the past haha! We've known each other for quite a while, except for our kid Vincent who was still playing with his poo when we were going to our first shows. But he is like our little bro now.

Are any members in side projects beyond xDIGx?

xDIGx was supposed to be a side project... So Daick our bass player is always in 4 or 5 bands (check www.myspace.com/mowol for some hardcore punk for example). Our drummer Ben sings in BLACK SPIRALS (check them out there : http://blackspirals.bandcamp.com/) who have already played a few times in Germany, and Vincent has a skatepunk project that seems to be on its way. Our guitar player Nico has played in every Paris Straight Edge band.
Nico, Ben and I, Erwan, also have a side project with some friends, "Boston 2000" style, we should see that quickly enough after xD.I.G.x's EP is recorded.

Who came up with the name xDIGx and what`s the idea behind this name?

I am guilty for that name. I have always wanted to have a band that would be called D.I.G.. You can put so many different meanings behind these letters, which is good. But all I can say is that at the start these letters represent our respect to Floorpunch's interviews and spirit.

And which bands influenced you most?

To be quick, I should name three cities instead of a bigger list of bands whose influence can be found in xDIGx : some Boston, Cleveland, and New York bands. Oh shit there’s California too.

On your MySpace we found following part:
"Ils ont beau se foutre de ma gueule, c'est métal à fond, lourd, à base d'aller retour à la guitare, triolet et compagnie. En plus ils sont méchant, ils on faillit cassé la gueule à Stéphane."
What does it mean and could you translate these words please?

Haha, it's what a friend of us said after attending our first show. I thought it described us well : "They can keep mocking at me, but they are metal all the way, heavy, back and forth guitar riffs and shit. Plus they are mean, they almost broke Stephane's face."

xDIGx are celebrating obviously the trademark “Nike”. Why?

Hm not all the trademark man. I, for one, am really angry for the way they screwed up most of the retro Air Stab and retro Pegasus '89 releases, and a few others... Thank God the AM1 shape has come back to quality lately, I like it almost as much as the original shape.
But our skinhead likes his Adidas way more than Nike.
And our lumberjack only wears Vans.
The rest of the band is cool though.

And what is your favourite Nike stuff?

Air Max 1 all the way for me. And some Liquid Racer. But some AM 90, 95 and 97 and Structure are also very acceptable !

In 2010 you guys released the “Notorious Demo”, which includes 5 tracks . The Cover shows a close-up picture of the American rapper. Are you such great fans of Notorious B.I.G.?

I don't think we can exactly be referred to as great fans of his, but we like his sound in general. We thought the rip off was cool. And we did not have many other ideas for the demo cover. haha

Against whom is the track “Less Vans More Air Max”?

Against all those so called rebels who dress all the same and try to act the most politically correct they can, and try with their group of friends who are just like them to exclude you if you do one thing that is not PC in front of them. The title is just an image of course, we also happen to wear Vans. But it is kind of efficient since people remember us thanks to this name, which, I have to admit, is pretty shocking.

And in the track “Life Hater” we found the line
“No PMA for me
I'd rather hate today
No PMA for me
I'd rather hate all days.”
What does “PMA” stand for?

I know it may seem stupid but it really is BAD BRAINs' Positive Mental Attitude. Damn this shit is not for me. Never been. I don't think it ever will be. I am not gonna talk shit about the BAD BRAINs though because it was not my point at all when I wrote these lyrics.

The other tracks are full of hate, rage and dissatisfaction, too (“What a boring life,
Hating everyday”, “Because this world is crap” and so on). Where does this negative attitude come from?

From everyday life, working, staying more or less poor, feeling enslaved to a life we haven't really chosen. Not having had the same chances others have had. And for hanging out with the other guys in the band, I can tell it's what they all feel at times, some maybe more than others. Anger is growing on us and we need a way to externalize it or else it might eat us alive. So yes, this band is a catharsis for everything we can’t stand. But don’t be afraid, most of the time we are pretty chill dudes!

Do you think there are a lot of reasons to be so happy in this world?

At times we feel surrounded by assholes, a lot of people piss us off each day, bosses and shit.
I guess being happy is a state of mind, some people are happy with just not much. I can't. I can't feel satisfied when I live what I live, see what I see and know what I know. Even if I am far from being the most miserable person in the world. And about boss problems, I really have issues with authority in general, and these days in particular. It sure will get me in serious troubles some day soon.

Is the “Notorious Demo” your first release or are there other ones?

Yes it is, recorded in may 2010 by Jerome Turblin, and we are currently recording the new 7" with him again. We have recorded the drums already so it’s all on its way now, and we know he will do a very good job with what we will give in studio. This next disc will be an E.P., called “Socially Disabled”. It should sound probably more serious and a bit less stupid lyric wise, and the same goes for the music. At least that’s what we are trying to do. I still have to write the lyrics for the last song by this time haha.

“Say yes to Drug Free“ - Why are you guys straight edge? Which reasons made you sure to live this lifestyle?

Because that is just the way we are. I used to smoke pot and drink without liking it when i was a teenager. But that was mostly to act like the others, I guess I didn't want to be rejected again. And then I thought about it, and decided to go my own way, and fuck those who wouldn't like it. Cliché as it is. Fuck peer pressure.

And do you live a vegetarian life style, too?

We have one vegetarian in the band. But his english sucks even more than mine so you won't hear what he has to say !

We think that not everyone in your fanbase is sXe. Are you a militant die-hard str8 edge band or is it ok to smoke/drink/whatever in front of you? How do you handle with non-straight-edge dudes?

We love non straight edge dudes as much as the others but not the same way. It's so funny to see drunk people doing shit when you are sober. I do think we need them to have good times haha. We would be so friendless if we only talked to straight edge people. France is really not the best country to be an intolerant straight edge guy. Even if some times it gets really appealing !

What are your favorite sXe-bands?

My personal favorites are the youth crew ‘97-‘03 era bands though.

Did you ever play in Germany? Or are there any plans to play here?

We haven't played there yet, but we will be a part of the Break Down The Walls Fest with awesome bands, don't miss it, 30th April in Essen. The German scene is great, we are thinking about making 3 shows there in June, booking will start soon (xdigxparisx@gmail.com).

Do you know some german HC-bands?

Of we course we do! EYEBALL was so fucking awesome... TRUE BLUE too. We also listen to THE ICE and AYS for example. Europe in general has some crazy bands.

Do you know how many shows you played yet and with which bands you shared the stage already?

We haven't played a lot because we don't want to play too much in the same areas.
We have shared the stage with THE MONGOLOIDS, BACKTRACK, DOWNPRESSER but this doesn't really matter, does it? I think we have played less than 10 shows, and could have played twice as much. Call us lazy.

And what are the next chances to see xDIGx live?

Already answered :)

Are there some bands out of Paris we have to check out?

Only a few now. But the situation should improve soon, some people are working on that.

And is there a large and cool scene in your area?

If you like beatdown metal bands yes, if not take your car and go to Nantes or some places like this. I for one don't feel that much connected to gangsta or springbreak video clips, signing sessions, promo pics and long epic self-loving biographies. So that doesn't leave many bands for me to relate here. The next big thing I see coming is the new youth crew style band called No Solution from Nantes. We saw them play recently and it really has what it takes to be well known outside the country and finally put France on the map. Can’t wait for their demo.

If we would end up in Paris – which places do we have to check out?

Ah that needs a long answer! Depends if you want to see sights, go to shows, skate, fight… Get in touch with us when you are coming and we’ll try and help you out!

Last words for our readers?

Check our upcoming EP, it's going to be awesome haha!!
And check the other Street Survival Records bands, they really are too!
Also we wanna say hi to Strike Back and Haute Couture!
And thanks to you for the interview and interest guys!

And now - Brainstorming:

Your favorite food?
Hamburgers and pizzas

Paris = so called “city of love”?
I hate love


Soccer: Germany or France?

French hip hop?
Is dead

Playstation or Nintendo?
xBOx !!

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