Freitag, 11. März 2011

xDIGx Interview

Negative StrHate Edge hardcore from Paris – xDIGx (FR).

Thanx a lot for the interview!

Please introduce yourself and the band xDIGx for the people who don`t know you. When did you start the band, who are the members and so on.

Hi! We started rehearsing around the end of 2009 if I remember right. We have had the same line up since the beginning, except the original guitarist who has gone to live in Essen, and has been replaced like a year ago, by Vincent. Axel we still love you bro, hope you'll come back to Paris some day!
So we were supposed to sound more like old nyhc stuff in the beginning, like OUZBURST, very old MADBALL and shit, but we found our way in the style we have had since our demo, which is a bit more metallic I guess. Can't hate SLAYER!

How long have you all known each other? How did you meet?

Man I think we are the best of friends, this is what this band is mainly based on (that, and
being angry dickheads). There are a few of us that I can't imagine being in a band with people they're not friends with, the shit would get out of control so quick... It already happened in the past haha! We've known each other for quite a while, except for our kid Vincent who was still playing with his poo when we were going to our first shows. But he is like our little bro now.

Are any members in side projects beyond xDIGx?

xDIGx was supposed to be a side project... So Daick our bass player is always in 4 or 5 bands (check for some hardcore punk for example). Our drummer Ben sings in BLACK SPIRALS (check them out there : who have already played a few times in Germany, and Vincent has a skatepunk project that seems to be on its way. Our guitar player Nico has played in every Paris Straight Edge band.
Nico, Ben and I, Erwan, also have a side project with some friends, "Boston 2000" style, we should see that quickly enough after xD.I.G.x's EP is recorded.

Who came up with the name xDIGx and what`s the idea behind this name?

I am guilty for that name. I have always wanted to have a band that would be called D.I.G.. You can put so many different meanings behind these letters, which is good. But all I can say is that at the start these letters represent our respect to Floorpunch's interviews and spirit.

And which bands influenced you most?

To be quick, I should name three cities instead of a bigger list of bands whose influence can be found in xDIGx : some Boston, Cleveland, and New York bands. Oh shit there’s California too.

On your MySpace we found following part:
"Ils ont beau se foutre de ma gueule, c'est métal à fond, lourd, à base d'aller retour à la guitare, triolet et compagnie. En plus ils sont méchant, ils on faillit cassé la gueule à Stéphane."
What does it mean and could you translate these words please?

Haha, it's what a friend of us said after attending our first show. I thought it described us well : "They can keep mocking at me, but they are metal all the way, heavy, back and forth guitar riffs and shit. Plus they are mean, they almost broke Stephane's face."

xDIGx are celebrating obviously the trademark “Nike”. Why?

Hm not all the trademark man. I, for one, am really angry for the way they screwed up most of the retro Air Stab and retro Pegasus '89 releases, and a few others... Thank God the AM1 shape has come back to quality lately, I like it almost as much as the original shape.
But our skinhead likes his Adidas way more than Nike.
And our lumberjack only wears Vans.
The rest of the band is cool though.

And what is your favourite Nike stuff?

Air Max 1 all the way for me. And some Liquid Racer. But some AM 90, 95 and 97 and Structure are also very acceptable !

In 2010 you guys released the “Notorious Demo”, which includes 5 tracks . The Cover shows a close-up picture of the American rapper. Are you such great fans of Notorious B.I.G.?

I don't think we can exactly be referred to as great fans of his, but we like his sound in general. We thought the rip off was cool. And we did not have many other ideas for the demo cover. haha

Against whom is the track “Less Vans More Air Max”?

Against all those so called rebels who dress all the same and try to act the most politically correct they can, and try with their group of friends who are just like them to exclude you if you do one thing that is not PC in front of them. The title is just an image of course, we also happen to wear Vans. But it is kind of efficient since people remember us thanks to this name, which, I have to admit, is pretty shocking.

And in the track “Life Hater” we found the line
“No PMA for me
I'd rather hate today
No PMA for me
I'd rather hate all days.”
What does “PMA” stand for?

I know it may seem stupid but it really is BAD BRAINs' Positive Mental Attitude. Damn this shit is not for me. Never been. I don't think it ever will be. I am not gonna talk shit about the BAD BRAINs though because it was not my point at all when I wrote these lyrics.

The other tracks are full of hate, rage and dissatisfaction, too (“What a boring life,
Hating everyday”, “Because this world is crap” and so on). Where does this negative attitude come from?

From everyday life, working, staying more or less poor, feeling enslaved to a life we haven't really chosen. Not having had the same chances others have had. And for hanging out with the other guys in the band, I can tell it's what they all feel at times, some maybe more than others. Anger is growing on us and we need a way to externalize it or else it might eat us alive. So yes, this band is a catharsis for everything we can’t stand. But don’t be afraid, most of the time we are pretty chill dudes!

Do you think there are a lot of reasons to be so happy in this world?

At times we feel surrounded by assholes, a lot of people piss us off each day, bosses and shit.
I guess being happy is a state of mind, some people are happy with just not much. I can't. I can't feel satisfied when I live what I live, see what I see and know what I know. Even if I am far from being the most miserable person in the world. And about boss problems, I really have issues with authority in general, and these days in particular. It sure will get me in serious troubles some day soon.

Is the “Notorious Demo” your first release or are there other ones?

Yes it is, recorded in may 2010 by Jerome Turblin, and we are currently recording the new 7" with him again. We have recorded the drums already so it’s all on its way now, and we know he will do a very good job with what we will give in studio. This next disc will be an E.P., called “Socially Disabled”. It should sound probably more serious and a bit less stupid lyric wise, and the same goes for the music. At least that’s what we are trying to do. I still have to write the lyrics for the last song by this time haha.

“Say yes to Drug Free“ - Why are you guys straight edge? Which reasons made you sure to live this lifestyle?

Because that is just the way we are. I used to smoke pot and drink without liking it when i was a teenager. But that was mostly to act like the others, I guess I didn't want to be rejected again. And then I thought about it, and decided to go my own way, and fuck those who wouldn't like it. Cliché as it is. Fuck peer pressure.

And do you live a vegetarian life style, too?

We have one vegetarian in the band. But his english sucks even more than mine so you won't hear what he has to say !

We think that not everyone in your fanbase is sXe. Are you a militant die-hard str8 edge band or is it ok to smoke/drink/whatever in front of you? How do you handle with non-straight-edge dudes?

We love non straight edge dudes as much as the others but not the same way. It's so funny to see drunk people doing shit when you are sober. I do think we need them to have good times haha. We would be so friendless if we only talked to straight edge people. France is really not the best country to be an intolerant straight edge guy. Even if some times it gets really appealing !

What are your favorite sXe-bands?

My personal favorites are the youth crew ‘97-‘03 era bands though.

Did you ever play in Germany? Or are there any plans to play here?

We haven't played there yet, but we will be a part of the Break Down The Walls Fest with awesome bands, don't miss it, 30th April in Essen. The German scene is great, we are thinking about making 3 shows there in June, booking will start soon (

Do you know some german HC-bands?

Of we course we do! EYEBALL was so fucking awesome... TRUE BLUE too. We also listen to THE ICE and AYS for example. Europe in general has some crazy bands.

Do you know how many shows you played yet and with which bands you shared the stage already?

We haven't played a lot because we don't want to play too much in the same areas.
We have shared the stage with THE MONGOLOIDS, BACKTRACK, DOWNPRESSER but this doesn't really matter, does it? I think we have played less than 10 shows, and could have played twice as much. Call us lazy.

And what are the next chances to see xDIGx live?

Already answered :)

Are there some bands out of Paris we have to check out?

Only a few now. But the situation should improve soon, some people are working on that.

And is there a large and cool scene in your area?

If you like beatdown metal bands yes, if not take your car and go to Nantes or some places like this. I for one don't feel that much connected to gangsta or springbreak video clips, signing sessions, promo pics and long epic self-loving biographies. So that doesn't leave many bands for me to relate here. The next big thing I see coming is the new youth crew style band called No Solution from Nantes. We saw them play recently and it really has what it takes to be well known outside the country and finally put France on the map. Can’t wait for their demo.

If we would end up in Paris – which places do we have to check out?

Ah that needs a long answer! Depends if you want to see sights, go to shows, skate, fight… Get in touch with us when you are coming and we’ll try and help you out!

Last words for our readers?

Check our upcoming EP, it's going to be awesome haha!!
And check the other Street Survival Records bands, they really are too!
Also we wanna say hi to Strike Back and Haute Couture!
And thanks to you for the interview and interest guys!

And now - Brainstorming:

Your favorite food?
Hamburgers and pizzas

Paris = so called “city of love”?
I hate love


Soccer: Germany or France?

French hip hop?
Is dead

Playstation or Nintendo?
xBOx !!

For further information check:
or add them on Facebook!

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